Health Amulet

Amulet for health and good luck

Since ancient times, people have sought to find a recipe for health, because it helped to find happiness and well-being. Naturally, physical activity and nutrition, traditional medicine help to strengthen the body and condition the body. However, even today, most people believe that an amulet of health and longevity can be found.

Characteristics of the amulet of health

Every culture has certain traditions and mystical images. In ancient times, great importance was attached to the protection of health, because it helped the survival and prolongation of the human race. The talisman of health was constantly with its owner until his last minute on earth. Previously, universal amulets were not used in bulk, they were intended specifically for women, men or children. Energy flows are different for everyone, so a talisman that will help an adult can only harm a baby.

Esotericists claim that a health amulet helps:

  • accelerate the recovery of the body;
  • provide protection against disease;
  • restore immunity;
  • fill the body with the energy of life;
  • get rid of the negative.
The Odolen-grass symbol will provide protection from illness and negativity.

Stones for health according to the signs of the zodiac

Talismans made of natural stones must be selected according to the horoscope. It is advisable to choose the stone that suits the zodiac sign. The amulet will help make its owner strong and persistent, help in recovery and increase immunity.

Important! Stones can bring their owners healing from many ailments, the main thing is to constantly wear them and fill with life energy.

Useful properties of stones in the treatment of diseases:

  1. Pomegranate and rock crystal relieve inflammation in the body;
  2. Moonstones help reduce fever;
  3. Emerald and coral will relieve fever;
  4. Ruby and opal protect against disease during epidemics;
  5. Lapis lazuli and tourmaline have a beneficial effect on bones and motor activity;
  6. Amber is good for eyesight, hearing, and teeth;
  7. Topaz relieves infertility;
  8. Olivine and bloodstone restore male potency;
  9. Chrysolite restores the endocrine system;
  10. Agate is used to treat the respiratory organs;
  11. Jasper relieves diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  12. Jade removes skin problems;
  13. Hematite has a positive effect on the spleen.

Slavic amulets for women's health.

The Slavs respected the health of the successors of the family, therefore Slavic amulets for a woman were mandatory. For this, homemade dolls, metal and wooden jewelry were used. It was also customary to embroider patterns on clothing that had sacred meaning. The Slavic amulet could be intended exclusively for women, the rest were forbidden to use it. There are several varieties of talismans for the beautiful half of humanity.

Amulet that brings good luck and luck

lada star

The ancestors were sure that the Lada Star was the patron saint of the family and women. The symbol has a complex, interlocking pattern of geometric lines, so the magic of the theme is multifaceted. The basis of the image is an eight-pointed figure, symbolizing the unity of body and spirit, which contributes to gaining health and longevity.


The magical amulet for good luck and health represented the Goddess Makosh, who patronized only married women. The symbol shows a figure with a star instead of a head, in the hands of the Goddess is a plant. The magical talisman provided happiness, good luck and luck, protected from diseases, facilitated childbirth.

Important! Makosh is not suitable for young girls who have not yet started their own family.


The talisman helps to give birth to healthy children, provides protection to the pregnant woman from negative influences. The amulet was made only of silver and bronze and was used as an ornament. It looks like an upside down moon.


The oldest symbol is Alatyr, the personification of the Family. It symbolized health and well-being, it was represented in household items. The symbol is very powerful and has a sacred meaning, it helps its owner to constantly stay healthy, beautiful and full of strength.

for men's health

Boys usually received their health amulet only at the age of a warrior, unlike girls who wore talismans almost from birth. The masculine energy is very different from the feminine, and therefore this rule existed. There are certain mystical symbols that are exclusively intended for men.

Ax of Perun

The item symbolized masculinity and courage, harmony of body and soul. The amulet removed negative energy and filled its owner with strength. The object must be made only of metal, various holy signs are applied to it. Perun's ax protects all members of the family, and not just its owner.

Seal Veles

In the folklore of the Slavs, a bear is often present, because it is considered a sacred animal. The image of him is related to Veles, which symbolizes power and strength. The sign looks like an inverted letter "A" and the footprint of a bear. Such an amulet reliably protects against negativity and evil, provides longevity. The talisman must be passed down from generation to generation to maintain a close connection with the family.


The symbol shows the purity of thoughts and brings a person to a state of harmony, as a result, it gives its owner excellent health and protection from negative energy. Usually, this symbol was depicted on the cloths that covered sick people so that they would recover quickly.

Talismans and health amulets

There are other amulets that help people in life.


The incense is made in the form of a small pot, which should be worn around the neck as an ornament. They are shaped like a pitcher or pot and have a hole for a rope. They must store items that will give their owner a cure for diseases. Various medicinal herbs are usually used for this.

Important! Before filling the container, you should thank the amulet for its positive effects.


Since ancient times, people have had great respect for a bird's feather, because it was believed to have great power. For example, in the past, feather beds were filled with feathers from wild birds to keep the family healthy.

Important! Only a wild bird should accidentally lose a feather, otherwise a person will not be helped.

green thread

It was believed that a green thread would help a person recover from illnesses and gain well-being in all areas of life. It personifies mother nature, constantly cleanses and ennobles the soul of its owner, helps to harmonize the inner state. When a baby was born, it was customary to immediately tie a green thread on her hand.

Magic amulet for health and good luck

Magic amulets fill a person with strength, help to recover and forget about illnesses. On household items, images of runes or holy symbols are often performed.

  1. The sown field is considered the oldest symbol, which brings health, prosperity and well-being. The talisman helps to get rid of infertility and have children.
  2. Odolen-grass provides reliable protection against diseases and negative impacts, symbolizes the sun's rays. The symbol should be applied to various household items or a metal talisman.
  3. The woman in labor is an exclusively feminine talisman. She helps to maintain peace and prosperity in the family, to produce offspring.
  4. Trojan is considered the most powerful symbol. Even today, representatives of alternative medicine often resort to it.